Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fashion's Wildest Designer to Dress Katy Perry at the Super Bowl

Moschino designer Jeremy Scott is going to create Katy Perry's costumes for her big Super Bowl half-time show performance. Perry broke the news to E! Online, saying: "I called one of my best friends and I thought this would be an incredible moment to share with one of my favorite designers, Jeremy Scott. So he'll be designing all of my costumes."

That's costumes with an "s," Perry explains. "Because on my real tour, the Prismatic World Tour, I have nine, ten different costumes. So I would feel very bored if I didn't change my look at least once on the show," she said. Perry is a fixture in the front row for Scott's shows, and the glittery pop star is definitely in tune with Scott's tongue-in-cheek aesthetic. So will he continue along the lines of his recent, ultra girly Barbie-inspired motif for Perry's performance? Maybe Scott could riff on his McDonald's theme and work some Super Bowl sponsors into the costumes.

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